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Discover the sellable value of your business based on a dataset of current multiples in your industry combined with data on over 65,000 recent exits. You'll have an accurate estimate of the market value of your business.
Your Value Builder score stack ranks you against your industry peers in the 8 Value Drivers. These are the areas where you need to focus your efforts to create a company that is profitable, sustainable, and sellable.
You will get a free consultation with an Accredited Value Guide to review the valuation report, and discover the areas where you could make the biggest difference.
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Complete the Value Builder Questionnaire
The Value Builder Questionnaire will ask you a series of insightful questions about your business.
Get Your Value Builder Report
You'll get immediate access to a helpful report showing you how you compare with other businesses in your industry.
Schedule Your Free Consultation
Find a convenient time to meet to get your full Valuation Report when you meet with a Accredited Value Guide.
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Here's What Other Business Owners Are Saying
"The Value Builder Score explained where I currently was with my business. It gave value to specific areas of my business and showed me where I needed to improve things."
John Christian Williams
"When I first got my Value Builder Score I understood that from an acquisition standpoint we had an uphill battle in convincing others to love us as much as we loved ourselves."
Steve Henderson
CEO of Henderson Data Solutions
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Let's face it, the world is a mess right now. We need great businesses to flourish so they can create amazing jobs at workplaces with a great culture.
And, when it's time to sell some or all of the business, we need these purpose-driven businesses to sell at a premium. Why? Because it is the purpose-driven business owners that are able to give generously to the causes that make the world a better place.
Growing a successful business that has the resources to make a massive impact requires great stewardship.
How can you steward something you don't know the value of?
The first valuation is free.
Once you see the valuation process we think you'll want to update your valuation quarterly (or at least annually) so you can track your progress. This is available for a small ongoing investment.
Don't care about their company culture
Don't intend to give back to the community when they sell their business
Only focus on profit
Drive more profit
Create exponential growth
Reduce your risk
Make better decisions
Develop an entrepreneurial culture
Be prepared in case you have to sell
Enjoy more freedom
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I'm the author of Revenue Growth Engine, a book about how to drive exponential revenue growth. Since 1997 I've helped midmarket business owners grow their businesses.
I'm passionate about helping businesses grow. My friends call me a business nerd. I'm an Accredited Value Advisor. While I was leading a statewide team for a technology company in the mid 1990's I completed my MBA.
I believe in doing things right to create value. All of my businesses run on EOS. I enjoy being a part of C12 Business Forums, a Christian CEO peer group. I participate in Impact Table events at Belmont University.
When I'm not helping businesses grow, I help lead the ManAlive EXPEDITION, an organization helping men encounter God, discover their identity, and experience authentic brotherhood. I also co-chair the Kingdom Missions Fund providing grants and microfinance solutions to innovative Christian missions organizations around the world.
Originally from Ontario, Canada, I married a southern girl. We live in the mid-south where Leslie and I enjoy time with our four grandchildren. I love anything on the water including canoeing and sailing. My passion for the outdoors has me camping and hiking, including a 2022 trek to Everest Base Camp.
You don't need to hire a team of accountants and pay them tens of thousands of dollars to find out an accurate estimate of your business. Sure, you'll need to do this when the time comes to sell. However, you can get an accurate estimate of the value of your business using data.